Menstrual hygiene for the girl child continues to be a challenge in our community and we are highly encouraged to play our part in addressing the matter. Today The Wameyo Foundation through representative Zura Ndeta visited Ebwaliro Primary School and donated 200 pads to the JSS female students.

The young girls were also educated on matters concerning menstrual hygiene and how to navigate around the challenges associated with puberty as their bodies go through a natural physiological process. Such talks are important because the menstrual cycle topic is still regarded as taboo within our heavily patriarchal society. We continue to equip our daughters with the necessary tools and encourage them to talk freely to their parents and amongst their peers.

We say thank you to the head teacher Mr. David Nduku and his deputy Mr. Mark Busalire for allowing to visit the school and access the learners. Your facilitation of the process in highly appreciated.

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